Analysis and revision of the current maintenance contract highlighting the needs (increase in traffic and norms) and the price being charged;
One time or continuous support on the management of the maintenance contract, assisting the condominium to manage the companies hired for maintenance;
Analysis of technical and commercial proposals for repairs or upgrades;
Monitoring and verification of compliance with contractual clauses signed with the condominium and monitoring the performance of the services provided, giving the administrator transparency of what is being performed, allowing the necessary measures and adjustments to be taken to avoid problems and not impact the quality and safety of the building's vertical transport equipment;
Management of corporate contracts – Technical and commercial advice for companies that manage several buildings or that have several business units for which they need to manage the maintenance of elevators and escalators;
Contract management - Assistance in choosing and contracting suppliers and defining the Service Level Agreements (SLA) to be included in the contracts;
Monitoring the service provided by third parties through the use of performance indicators in order to ensure compliance with the SLAs, if provided for in the contract.